Factors Determining the Exchange Rates in Inflation Targeting Monetary Policy: An Empirical Investigation the Turkish CaseThis study aims to evaluate the forecasting performance of traditional and recently developed exchange rate models with the data obtained from Turkey. Within ...
Economic Policy Uncertainty and Exchange Rate Volatility:经济政策的不确定性和汇率波动 热度: Interest Rate Volatility Regimes and Exchange Rate Behavior in a Target Zone(目标区域的利率波动制度和汇率行为) 热度: 人民币汇率波动的影响因素实证研究--基于中美贸易摩擦背景 ...
Factors Determining the Exchange Rate Movement under a Partial Capital Mobility Regimeexchange ratecapital mobilityinterest rateinflationblock granger causalityThe study examines the rupee–US dollar exchange rate (Rs/$) behaviour in the presence of increasing and ample capital inflows in the post-reform...
According to the existing literature, banking costs play a significant role in determining profitability. The effective control of bank costs demonstrates the effectiveness of bank management. Efficiency in operations refers to the capacity of a bank to make the best use of its resources, provide ben...
The amount of money in circulation also plays an important role in determining the exchange rate of Rongqiao. More money in circulation usually leads to a devaluation of the currency over time. Finally, the policies and regulations set by governments can also have an effect. For example, if a...
The third factor of determining the basis level is the effect of foreign exchange market. When Japanese banks had a lot of troubles in financing by US dollar from foreign market in the middle of the 1990s, they exchanged JPY for USD in spot market, and sold USD and bought JPY in ...
The political situation of a country is a major factor in determining currency valuation. If a country is riddled with instability, bribery and political corruption, its currency value will drop. A country’s debt, along with factors such as war and the popularity of the president, monarch, pr...
Home > Section > Chapter Schmieg, E. Intereconomics 28(3): 138-143 1993 ISSN/ISBN:0020-5346 10.1007/bf02928118 002380194 Article emailed within 0-6 h Buy Now for$19.90 Payments are secure & encrypted Abstract
2010. What are the factors determining tourists destination in Africa? Pak. J. Soc. Sci., 7(4):301-303.Idowu, K., and Bello, A. (2010),What are the factors determining tourists destinations in Africa? Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 4, No 4, pp.301-303....
3.4. Factors determining the participation of farmers in AES in the light of selected studies On the basis of an extensive literature review, Lastra-Bravo et al. (2015) concluded that the main factors influencing farmers’ willingness to participate in AES can be classified into such categories ...