but the hydrophilicity of fibrous proteins in muscle is easily affected by the pH value; after slaughter, the process of glycolysis continuously produces lactic acid; with the prolongation of meat storage time, the pH value decreases; the proteolytic enzyme activity in the muscle is inhibited, whic...
Similar to Pi03192, BLR05 and BLR09 hinder the entry of LsNAC069 into the nucleus by obstructing the clearance of the transmembrane domain (TMD) at the C-terminal region of LsNAC069 in response to stress signals, thus affecting the positive regulation of downstream defense genes [69]. ...
Factors affecting the growth and migration of endothelial cells from microvessels of bovine retina. Exp Eye Res 1 990;50: 1 65-72. 1 2. Yamada KM. Adhesive recognition sequences. J B ioI Chern 1 99 1 ;266: 1 2809-1 2. 13. Woo HJ, Shaw LM, Messier JM, Mercurio AM. The major...
yeast-one hybrid screening was performed using as the sequence target, a three-copy tandem repeat of the element “ATATC” fused to the aureobasidin A (AbA) ORF. No background binding to this element in the yeast host strain was observed since the resultant yeast...
(f) Enzyme specificity: Trypsin, 2 missed cleavages allowed; (g) Dynamic modifications: Oxidation (M), Gln → pyro-Glu (N-term Q), Trioxidation (C); (h) Method for false discovery rate (FDR) assessment: Processing node 7: Target Decoy PSM Validator; Decoy Database Search: Target...
Bace2, beta-site app-cleaving enzyme 2; Pi16, peptidase inhibitor 16; Themis, thymocyte selection associated; Glipr1, GLI pathogenesis-related 1 (glioma); Cpa4, carboxypeptidase a4; Fam78a, family with sequence similarity 78; Ppp1r3a, protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 3a. ...
Also affecting this response may be plasma coagulation inhibitors, such as, for example, protein C and protein S. Some individuals have deficiencies of protein C and protein S. The INR and ISI parameters are needed so as to take into account various differences in instrumentation, methodologies ...
PND 1 pup body weight decreases could have occurred through partial agonist activity of 9-THC at the placental CB1 receptor in the dams, while not affecting maternal food intake or body weights. Glucose, transported through the placenta to the fetus by glucose transporter proteins (e.g., GLUT...
Interactomes of SARS-CoV-2 and human coronaviruses reveal host factors potentially affecting pathogenesis. EMBO J 40, e107776 (2021). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Gordon, D. E. et al. A SARS-CoV-2 protein interaction map reveals targets for drug repurposing. Nature 583...
6C). The complex interplay between these proteins in affecting the cell fate is exemplified in a Sankey diagram that presents a selected list of SKBR3 proteins with changed abundance, matched by at least three unique peptides, mapped to such processes (Fig. 7 and Supplemental file 6). Figure...