CAT activityEffect factorsModelsThe regression method was adopted to establish mathematical models for the select ion of most effective combination of pH value, temperature, C/N, MLSS, that are four major factors affecting activity of catalase, in activated sludge. The models are:Y=-655.7+507.7X...
CatalaseSaccharidesSpray-dryingTabletsTabletingThe manufacturing of tablets containing biologics exposes the biologics to thermal and shear stresses, which are likely to induce structural changes (e.g., aggregation and denaturation), leading to the loss of their activity. Saccharides often act as ...
FactorsAffecting therateofHydrogenPeroxidedegradation usingCatalaseIntroduction An enzyme is a globular protein which functions as a catalyst that speeds up therateof areactionwithout being consumed in thereaction. An enzyme-catalyzedreactionoccurs when a substance called the substrate...
Its activity is regulated by Fur protein and iron levels. Previous studies revealed that Fur-deficient strains of H. pylori growing on a low iron cul- ture media showed significantly reduced catalase activity. Catalase can present its activities in the cytoplasm, peri- plasm; and also on the ...
In systemic immune complex (IC) diseases such as SLE and rheumatoid vasculitis, IC accumulate in a number of tissues, either after deposition from the circulation or from in situ formation. The tissue localisation of IC depends on a delicate balance between the production of IC and the ability...
However, because of the rapid growth of modern intensively farmed poultry, the complexity of factors affecting the production and processing of poultry meat makes it difficult to ensure the production of high-quality poultry meat for the market2. The influence of economic development and increased ...
(NO) in OSCC patients when compared to that of controls. But the enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase were significantly reduced in OSCC patients than the control group [77]. Bagul et al. concluded that increased levels of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase were ...
To survey the potential of forbs that are likely to be found in northern temperate mixed plant communities such as old fields and marginal lands, and to reduce the complexity of working with a mixture of species, we explored the factors affecting Glc yields from four single species of forbs....
(inducing AMPK phosphorylation and activity) and ethanol-induced inhibition of AMPK functions. Colombo et al. reported that AMPK induced the expression of antioxidant proteins such as manganese-SOD, catalase, glutamylcysteine synthetase, and thioredoxin [175], which may represent a self-regulating ...
Noticeable examples of genes directly regulated by the GSR among the genes with annotated function are the stress inducible csbD (SGRAN_3063), two katA catalases (SGRAN_1770 and SGRAN_2521)4, the ecnAB toxin-antitoxin system29 (SGRAN_1922), an mscS mechanosensitive ion channel30 (SGRAN_...