show-tile-grid显示格和区块的边界。 show-blueprint-grid show-collision-rectanglesShows the collision boxes of each entity (red). show-selection-rectanglesShows a blue box over each entity, if you hover over it, it will be selected. show-render-rectanglesShows a pink box over each entity, if...
factorioblueprintfactorio-blueprintsfactorio-blueprintelectric-mining-drillrail-system UpdatedNov 24, 2023 Manipulate Factorio blueprint strings (tile, split, mirror, landfill, ...) clojurescriptfactoriofactorio-blueprint UpdatedAug 14, 2024 Clojure ...
The blueprint can be rotated using the R key. H will flip it horizontally; V will flip it vertically. Note that blueprints which contain rail signals, chain signals, or train stops cannot be flipped, only rotated. Placing a blueprint creates ghost entities. If these are within the green...
show-blueprint-grid show-collision-rectanglesShows the collision boxes of each entity (red). show-selection-rectanglesShows a blue box over each entity, if you hover over it, it will be selected. show-render-rectanglesShows a pink box over each entity, if that is on your screen, the entit...
Adds sturdier (armour and vehicle grid) versions of locomotive, cargo wagon and fluid wagon. Also adds unarmoured nuclear-powered locomotive. NEW: Also adds armoured draisines, which were tanks fitted with special rail chassis, able to traverse on rails. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简...
All buildings and tiles with their bounding boxes and belt, pipe, rail, inserter, wire and electricity connections can be visualized. Everything is drawn in vector graphics (SVG) to be able to view it in any resolution. With the latest update, Blueprints from Factorio before version 2.0 might...
I've been experimenting with generating blueprints automatically from a list of desired outputs in a period of time. Attached is such a blueprint book. In th…
Let's say you have a blueprint book of rail intersections and straight sections. When a blueprint is supposed to tile with other things on a global grid it doesn't really matter while building if it couldtechnicallybe rotated, you probably want to make sure it's not placed down rotated...
- Fixed train freezing and crashing upon landing for trains that are being pushed from the back rather than pulled from the front. - Fixed that trains didn't take non-default paths for forks in the rail very close to where trains land, ie while the back half of the train is still in...
show-tile-grid, show-raw-tile-transitions - Precision construction show-rail-paths - Less likely to get run over show-transport-line-gaps - Identify unsaturated belts show-player-robots - Makes it clear if there are stragglers allow-increased-zoom ...