In this program, we will learn how to find factorial of a given number using C++ program? Here, we will implement this program with and without using user define function.Logic to find the factorial of a numberInput a number Initialize the factorial variable with 1 Initialize the loop ...
we will use recursion and findthe factorial of the numberusing PHP code. The main logic is wrapped in a function name Factorial_Function. Within this function if the input is greater that one, then the same function is called again and if the input is less than or equal to 1 then ...
In the main() function, we are creating an objectFof classFactorial, reading an integer number by the user, and finally calling thefactorial()member function to find the factorial of the given integer number. Thefactorial()function contains the logic to find the factorial of the given number ...
Now , In Java we have a "BigInteger" . Using "BigInteger" we can calculate Factorial of large numbers easily . We can even calculate factorial of10000easily ... Below is Java implementation: importjava.util.*;importjava.lang.*;*;importjava.math.*;classFacorialOfBigNuumber...