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the cell type classes using color, which revealed the adjacency of ChIP-seq samples of the same cell type class (Fig.3C, left). This tendency diminished when we permuted the cell type class annotations of the ChIP-seq samples, indicating that ChIP-seq samples with the same cell type class ...
If sufficient data are collected, the central limit theorem can be applied. However, there is evidence of non-normality in M artinez‑Blasco et al. Financial Innovation (2023) 9:76 Page 17 of 34 the daily return distribution (Corrado 1989). In addition, there is evidence that in ...
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Under these conditions, we have from Part (b) of Theorem 2 presented in Salicrú et al. [27] that: 2 n K ( θ ^ , θ ′ ^ ) = 2 n ∫ X f ( x ; θ ^ ) log f ( x ; θ ^ ) f ( x ; θ ′ ^ ) d x ⟶ d n → ∞ χ p − r 2 , ∀ θ ∈ Θ , ...