By contrast, in this next triangle, hypotenuse 2018 is not even twice as big as either of the legs. How did I find that triangle? 1118-1680-2018 can be calculated from 2(43)(13), 43² – 13², 43² + 13² It is also 2 times (559-840-1009). That primitive triple can ...
“High stringency conditions” for the annealing process may involve, for example, high temperature and/or low salt content, which disfavor hydrogen bonding contacts among mismatched base pairs. “Low stringency conditions” would involve lower temperature, and/or higher salt concentration than that ...
The interaction analysis identified two pairs of genomic regions surrounding Hlx with a greater probability for the interaction in the high IL-2 and low IL-2 with αKG conditions as compared to the low IL-2 condition (Figure 5C). The interaction analysis also identified an enrichment of ...
Northern blots of representative RNA samples from FIX-Δ3' splice mice were probed with a fIX-specific probe. The predicted size transcripts (.about.1680 nt) were observed (FIG. 8) and, furthermore, the steady state mRNA levels correlated with the levels of fIX detected in milk (eg line ... OPEN Expression of a Grapevine NAC Transcription Factor Gene Is Induced in Response to Powdery received: 25 February 2016 Mildew Colonization in Salicylicaccepted:07July2016 Acid-Independent MannerPublished:04August2016 Zsofia Toth1, Patrick Winterhagen2, Balazs ...
PCR screening for insertions was carried out using gene specific primer pairs. GT-4-LP is 5'-TGAGATCAATACCTTCAA CAGATG-3' and GT-4-RP is 5'- TTGTGTGCTGTTTGT TCGAAG- 3'; TEM2-LP is 5'-GTGTTGTTCCTCAGCC TAACG-3' and TEM2-RP is 5'- TTTCCACAAAACCATT GTTCC-3'. RT-PCR ...
(right) showing the differences between pairs of ORCA segments of population-median distances of REF and ALT alleles. P indicatesp-value from a two-sided binomial test.hPolymer reconstruction of the LCLAXIN2VCM 3D architecture obtained by ORCA from one representative LCL single cell for the REF...
Exposed films were scanned with the Epson scanner 1680 Pro and quantified by analysis on a PC using the public domain NIH Image program “ImageJ” (developed at the National Institutes of Health and available on the Internet at Reporter Assays—Reporter assays ...
of total RNA and the RevertAid™ H Minus First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Fermentas, Sankt-Leon Roth, Germany). qRT-PCR was done using the LightCycler® 480 SybrGreen I Master Mix kappa (Roche, Mannheim, Germany). Exon-spanning primer pairs were used at a final concentration of 1 µ...
Data derived from one of two independent experiments with similar results. (g), Percentage of DNA loop anchor bin pairs overlapped by CTCF binding sites in CD4+ T cells, B cells and granulocytes (Supplementary Table 18). Data derived from pool of two independent experiments. (h), Flow ...