0.5 ml of overnight culture. At OD0.3–0.4, cultures were induced with 0.4 M isopropylthiogalactoside for 2 h (ref.55). The bacterial pellet from 1.5 ml of culture was mixed with 21 μl of 3:1 liver:water mix. Control animals were fed bacteria-containing empty pPR242 ...
FGF21 is a hormonal factor with important functions in the control of metabolism. FGF21 is found in rodent and human milk. Radiolabeled FGF21 administered to lactating dams accumulates in milk and is transferred to neonatal gut. The small intestine of neonatal (but not adult) mice highly expres...
The goal of large-scale sport event safety and security is proposed, the risk factor index system of safety and security on large-scale sport event specified, and the relation between each pair of indexes decided by expert survey. The analysis reveals weather risk, group accidents, serious ...
The original CES-D consisted of 20 items, measuring four factors including “depressed affect”, “positive affect”, “somatic and retarded activity” and “interpersonal” [19]. The scale was widely used in the Chinese context and showed adequate reliability and validity [20, 21]. However, ...
Pairwise regression analysis based on these factors correctly classified 91% of patients with epilepsy versus those with syncope, 94% of those with PNES versus those with syncope, and 77% of those with epilepsy versus those with PNES. Thus, diagnostic distinction on the basis of symptoms was ...
Step 1. DR on genotypic data: using a maize population as an example, MODAS first uses the Jaccard index to compute genotypic similarity of any pair of SNPs, followed by DBSCAN to cluster SNPs with high similarity on genotypes as a genomic block. PCA is then applied on each blo...
The DNA binding with one finger (Dof) proteins are plant-specific transcription factors involved in a variety of biological processes. However, little is known about their functions in fruit ripening, a flowering-plant-specific process that is required f
8)long insert size,一般是指双端测序mate-pair sequencing中,两个read中间间隔的较长距离,一般为几kb甚至更长; FACTERA的输出文件(这块儿不翻译了,翻译了感觉表示不出来真实的意思) Each FACTERA run produces 9 main output files, each of which is described below: ...
of the analysis of DNase-seq [19,20] and ATAC-seq data [21]. Some work uses position weight matrices (PWMs), which assume independence between positions, to model DNase-seq bias [22]. However, most bias correction methods infer bias estimates usingk-mer sequences around the start of ...
Spectra were recorded using 128 scans per increment (with an experimental time of 21 h per spectrum) to ensure that intensities in the regions with weaker signals were quantified properly. Throughout the article, the term oligomer refers to intermolecular complexes formed through weak, and ...