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C4 Identify the possible factors of the expression x3 ? 2x2? 5x ? 4. Explain your reasoning. 2.2 The Factor Theorem ? MHR 101 A Practise For help with question 4, refer to Example 3. 4. Factor each polynomial by grouping terms. a) x3 ? x2 ? 9x ? 9 b) x3 ? x2 ? 16x ?
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Grouping means factoring out the GCF of only two terms of the expression. You can see that 2x^2 + 6x^3 and 5x^7 + 15x^8 both can have a GCF taken out. Do so. 2x^2 (1 + 3x) + 5x^7 (1 + 3x) Note that there is a common factor, 1+3x. This expression can be rephrased...
into the polynomial expression. P ( 1 _ 2 ) 2 ( 1 _ 2 ) 3 3 ( 1 _ 2 ) 2 3 ( 1 _ 2 ) 2 1 _ 4 3 _ 4 3 _ 2 2 0 Since the remainder is zero, 2x 1 is a factor of P(x). Method 2: Use a Graphing Calculator Enter the function y 2x 3 3x 2 3x 2 in ...
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Cranking through this expression yields a correlation coefficient ofr=0.058. Recall that the correlation coefficient ranges from −1 to 1, where −1 is perfect anticorrelation (e.g., the number of terrorist incidentsdecreaseslinearly as the days of the month progress), 0 corresponds to no cor...
Analysis of the expression pattern of the WRKY gene in safflower under different tissues and stress treatments To explore the potential function of theCtWRKYgene in plant growth and development, TPM values were calculated by TBtools software according to CtWRKY transcriptome data downloaded from the ...