The SpearFactor Spearfishing Podcast brings you spearfishermen and watermen from around the world to share their experiences in the ocean in order to help us all become better divers and stewards of the ocean. The experts that Bret Whitman has on the show covers all facets of a life based ar...
Reddit Last updated 11 years ago Near ubiquitous microblogging service Twitter on Wednesday released an updated Mac app with built-in Notification Center integration and, more importantly, a system-wide two-factor authentication solution for heightened account security. Coming on...
When a new device attempts to log into an iCloud account, a six-digit verification code is sent to authorized devices. Plus, the general location of the device is shown on a map — so if you're in Boston, Mass., and a login attempt comes from Australia, you know the...
Reddit 登錄您的Reddit帳戶,然後轉到“首選項”頁面上的“ 密碼/電子郵件”選項卡。 在“雙重身份驗證”下,選擇“啟用”,然後按照以下步驟進行操作. 與上面列出的其他服務不同,Reddit的2FA系統僅支持第三方身份驗證應用程序。 如您所見,在大多數情況下,打開2FA並不困難,並且您確實沒有藉口將其禁用。由...
登录到您的Reddit帐户,然后转到“首选项”页面上的“密码/电子邮件”选项卡。 在“双重身份验证”下,选择“启用”,然后按照以下步骤进行操作. 与上面列出的其他服务不同,Reddit的2FA系统仅支持第三方身份验证应用程序。 如您所见,在大多数情况下,打开2FA并不困难,并且您确实没有借口将其禁用。
0.0 (0) 体育 两月一更 The SpearFactor Spearfishing Podcast brings you spearfishermen and watermen from around the world to share their experiences in the ocean in order to help us all become better divers and stewards of the ocean. The experts that Bret Whitman has on the show covers all ...
The user must then retrieve the code from their SMS messages and enter it into the login interface within a specified time frame. If the entered code matches the one sent by the service, the user is granted access to their account.