The ministry also plans to integrate the former Free Syrian Army into the defense structure. The Free Syrian Army was a coalition of defected Syrian military personnel and civilian fighters formed in 2011 to oppose the former government during the civil war. Al-Watan Online noted that this prelim...
“This Private Military Company rose to infamy during the early stages of the Syrian civil war. While they boast an impressive 95 percent success rate, some of their methods can be seen as somewhat questionable, often resulting in collateral damage. That said, no one can deny their effectivenes...
In the context of the enduring political standoff and of widespread allegations that illegal arms trafficking is taking place clandestinely via the Syrian-Lebanese border, the # arch alliance, which represents the majority faction in Parliament, released a statement on # anuary # in which it assert...
He said that the 18-strong Syrian government delegation was already in Geneva, showing that the Syrian government was "empowered for serious discussions" and interested in the political process. He stressed that there was no solution to Syria's devastating six-year civil war without a political s...
“This Private Military Company rose to infamy during the early stages of the Syrian civil war. While they boast an impressive 95 percent success rate, some of their methods can be seen as somewhat questionable, often resulting in collateral damage. That said, no one can deny their effectivenes...
Lebanese Civil War was a civil conflict (1975–90) in Lebanon characterized by the deterioration of the state and the coalescence of militias along communal lines. The conflict was exacerbated by the participation of foreign actors, especially the Palest