Fact Finding Committee 美 英 un.调查委员会 网络真相调查委员会 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 调查委员会 例句 释义: 全部,调查委员会,真相调查委员会 更多例句筛选 1. a fact-finding committee; investigative reporting. 寻求事实的委员会;研究性报告。 www.hotdic.com©...
必应词典为您提供fact-findingcommittee的释义,网络释义: 调查委员会;真相调查委员会;
committee n.[C] 1.(通常由较大团体所委派以处理某事务的)委员会[attrib 作定语] (a committee meeting, member, decision 委员会的会议﹑ 成员﹑ 决定) fact. (1)工厂 factory. (2)〔西班牙语〕发票 factura=invoice. (3)〔法语〕发票 facture=invoice. direction finding 探向 matter of fact a. 注...
1) fact-finding committee 实况调查委员会例句>> 2) fact-finding board(committee) 实地调查委员会3) Basing on her investigations, 调查委员会,4) committee of inquiry 调查委员会 例句>> 5) the Commission on Extraterritoriality 调查法权委员会 1. The Relationship Between Extraterritorial ...
fact-finding committeedans le dictionnaire PONS Traductions defact-finding committeedans le dictionnaire anglais»français Afficher le résumé de tous les résultats findingSUBST 1. finding(discovery): finding découvertef 2. findingplur(conclusion): ...
fact finding committee 调查委员会 fact finding technique 调查研究技术 fact finding 实况调查 finding of fact 【法】 对事实的认定, 对争论事实的裁决 fact finding board 【法】 实情调查委员会 the fact that n...的事实 in fact 1.(补充细节)确切地说 2.(用以强调,尤其与刚提到的相反)事实...
名词: fact-finder 英英释义 Adjective: designed to find information or ascertain facts; "a fact-finding committee""investigative reporting"近义词 临近词 documentary纪录片 evidential证据的 investigative调查的 research研究 exploratory勘探的 investigatory研究的上一篇 coursework 下一篇 homeworker ...
Then we will explore Joint Fact Finding as an approach to help resolve the dispute. 之后,我们将会探讨共同事实发现方法如何帮助化解冲突. 期刊摘选 展开全部 英英释义 Adjective 1. designed to find information or ascertain facts; "afact-findingcommittee" ...
Adj.1.fact-finding- designed to find information or ascertain facts; "a fact-finding committee"; "investigative reporting" investigative,investigatory inquiring- given to inquiry; "an inquiring mind" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
4. The fact-finding committee identified areas for improvement in the production process.事实调查委员会确定了生产过程中需要改进的方面。 5. The fact-finding analysis revealed the potential risks of the proposed investment.事实调查分析揭示了拟议投资的潜在风险。 6. The journalist conducted extensive fact...