Imaging is one of the necessary first steps in evaluating the pathology driving seizures. Structural changes in the brain may be detected by MRI. These include mesial temporal sclerosis, low grade tumors, dysplasia, heterotopia, and cavernous malformations to name a few. It is important to determi...
The questionnaire had two sections. The first section requested demographic data (age, sex, academic standing, and major) and asked the students to indicate if they were taught about evolution in high school (public or private) and if they had taken a college-level biology, chemistry, or phys...
Academic Vocabulary, Grade 2: fact, opinion, test
Citizens need a combination of digital knowledge, attitudes, and skills to navigate the complicated digital world of post-truth, as highlighted by theories of media and information literacy, such as transliteracy [15] and technocognition [8]. Young people growing up in an era of online ...