You may be a huge sci-fi fan, but reality is always stranger than fiction, baby! 88. You Like Politics? Chances are higher that you become president than win the lottery. In case being struck by lightning didn’t entice you. Getty Images 89. Side Interests When he wasn’t busy ...
你好!在我轮到今天之前把这个弄晚了,所以如果 分享91 路过的一个黑吧 低调又靠谱 110527这个人是黑--【乐评】 ALLKPOP上Fiction and Fact乐评开始看的英文的,昨天大吧有人转了翻译 作者写的靠谱翻译也翻译的靠谱,我就搬过来了 分享27赞 苏军吧 初代陆战队硬派 【зрение】苏联/俄罗斯的各种瞄准镜1楼...
我想看KA想到去翻fanfiction的网站了啊! 话说我要是把这个翻译了得用几个月…… 分享24赞 艾佛英语吧 summerzheng123 Study in EIFOUnite 12 The Summer Music Festival Have you heard about the music festival next summer? I've read that is going to have about 20 differe 分享93赞 大大大大大蛇丸...