获取mediaStream对象后,可以通过getVideoTracks方法获取到mediaStreamTrack对象数组。 对于每个mediaStreamTrack对象,可以通过getSettings方法获取到包含facingMode属性的MediaTrackSettings对象。 对于每个mediaStreamTrack对象,可以通过getSettings方法获取到包含facingMode属性的MediaTrackSettings对象。 通过以上步骤,我们可以获取到me...
facingmode 英文回答: ### FacingMode Parameter. The `facingMode` parameter in computer vision is used to specify the direction of the face in an image or video. It defines the orientation of the face with respect to the camera or viewer. The `facingMode` parameter can take on different ...
{ var resultContainer = document.getElementById('qr-reader-results'); var lastResult, countResults = 0; var html5QrcodeScanner = new Html5QrcodeScanner( "qr-reader", { facingMode: { exact: "environment"}}, { fps: 10, qrbox: 250 }); function onScanSuccess(qrCodeMessage) { //do ...
Unknown constraint named facingMode rejected ConstraintNotSatisfiedError In my Ionic application I have already installed the npm package "webrtc-adapter". Here is my code to get the stream from the rear camera : this.constraints= {audio:true,video: {mandatory: {facingMode:'environment'}}}; cord...
usedgetUserMediain 3 different pages. The first page hadfacingModeuser, the second page hadfacingMode environmentand would not load theMediaTrack. If we started the first page withfacingMode environment, then everything would work. Therefore, we could only use the application in a singlefacingMode....
网络它还具有正面模式 网络释义 1. 它还具有正面模式 它还具有正面模式(Forward-facing Mode),优化声音输入方向,可以让扬声器前方的人,得到更饱满的音质。内建电池,具… tw.mag.cnyes.com|基于4个网页
因为不支持facingMode配置来控制前后摄像头,所以只能采用枚举设备id,切换序号的方式来实现相机切换,但一旦拉流时选择的id是非主摄(后摄的子镜头),则会导致应用崩溃退出 3. 解决过程 这个问题比较棘手,触发崩溃需要重启而且导致切换相机功能不可用。崩溃也是比较严重的问题,而且切换必会触发崩溃,又由于是设备不支持对应ap...
Hello, I'm trying to use only rear camera, but the following RegEx pattern is not working for alle devices supporting different languages. Why isfacingMode: environmentnot used as a default? You just hand over deviceId = null to getStreamForDevice. But right now it's only possible to hand...
在火狐浏览器中,可以通过使用getUserMedia API来获取mediaStreamTrack的实际facingMode。 facingMode是一个用于指定摄像头或音频输入设备的方向或模式的属性。它可以有以下几种取值: "user":表示使用前置摄像头或麦克风。 "environment":表示使用后置摄像头或麦克风。 "left":表示使用左侧摄像头或麦克风。 "right":表示...