A few month ago, we did an upgrade to Maya7, so we needed to recompile id's import dll to get our animations and cinematics into the game. As we read on thedoom3world.orgforums, there is some interrest in this dll, so we decided to release it. You can download ithere. And las...
This is significant because by listening to his reasoning, the reader is able to comprehend the narrator’s obsession; not only is the eye chilling to look at, but it also serves as a representation of his own inner “evil I.” In order to eliminate his menacing personal demons,...
has 11 children and worries what will happen when she is no longer there to care for them. A young man with Huntington’s Disease, David, is cared for by his mother who believes his jerking motions and screams are caused by demons. And we meet Postiano, a man who decides not to sell...