Now, if you're stuck on these resume sections, we've curated a list of the most popular technical certificates across the industry. Have a look, below: The top 5 certifications for your facility manager resume: Certified facility manager (CFM) - International Facility Management Association (IFM...
The pull request introduces changes to query management in the FacilityHome, EditFacilitySheet, and FacilityForm components using React Query's useQueryClient hook. The modifications focus on improving data synchronization by replacing direct refetch methods with query invalidation. In FacilityHome.tsx,...
# 需要导入模块: from kalite.facility.models import Facility [as 别名]# 或者: from kalite.facility.models.Facility importsave[as 别名]classZoneDeletionTestCase(OrganizationManagementTestCase):defsetUp(self):super(ZoneDeletionTestCase, self).setUp() = Zone(name=self.ZONE_NAME)