R语言 使用facet_wrap的饼图一般来说,Facetting是指将输出的图表(plot)窗口分割成网格,在同一区域显示类似的图表。这可以通过R编程语言中的ggplot2包来实现。语法: facet_wrap(facet, nrow, ncol, scales, shrink, dir, strip.position)其中,facets – 分组变量的集合(数据表 nrow, ncol – 分别指定行和列的...
I tried the approach inthis answerto use facets to include white lines between "zones" of my heatmap. Here's the same problem I have using the ChickWeight dataset. library(reshape)library(ggplot2)ChickWeight.long<-melt(ChickWeight,id=c("Chick","Diet"))#Non-split heatmapggplot(ChickWeight.l...
library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) # 创建数据帧 data <- data.frame(lat = c(37.7749, 39.9042, 38.8251, 37.8162), long = c(-122.4194, -121.9357, -122.3374, -122.4250), color = c("red", "blue", "green", "orange")) # 设置地图参数 map_params <- function(map_obj) { map_obj$region...
colnames(dd) <- c("x_value", "Predicted_value", "State_CD") DevMeanSt <- ddply(dd, c("State_CD"), function(df)mean(df$Predicted_value)) colnames(DevMeanSt) <- c("State_CD", "mean") DevSdSt <- ddply(dd, c("State_CD"), function(df)sd(df$Predicted_value) ) colnames(De...
在R语言中,使用ggplot2库绘制图形时,可以使用facet_wrap()函数将数据按照特定变量进行分组,并在多个子图中显示。当需要在facet_wrap()中更改标签时使用上标时,可以通过以下步骤实现: 首先,确保你已经安装了ggplot2库并加载了它: 代码语言:txt 复制 install.packages("ggplot2") library(ggplot2) 创建一个数据框,...
data.frame(location = rep(1:95, 30), x = rnorm(2850) , y = rnorm(2850)) require(plyr) #Function that calculates correlation and returns value in data frame func <- function(df) { return(data.frame(COR = cor(df$x, df$y))) } #Run function on your dataset df_...
R颜色大全 具体实现代码: rm() setwd("D:/RNA-seq/transcript_level/RT-PCR/") datainfo <- read.csv(file="result2.csv",header = TRUE) library(ggplot2) #install.packages("mime") library(mime) library(export) #函数依赖export包,构造图片输出函数 out_img <- function(filename,pic_width=5,...
Theaes()function The hardest thing to understand in ggplot2 is theaes()function. Theaes()function enables you to create a set of mappings from data (in your dataframe) to the aesthetic attributes of the plot. That doesn’t make sense to many people, so let me quickly explain. ...
facet_grid()形成由行和列面化变量定义的面板矩阵。当有两个离散变量,并且这些变量的所有组合存在于数据中时,它是最有用的。如果只有一个具有多个级别的变量,请尝试facet_wrap()。 facet_wrap()将一维面板序列包装成2d。这通常比facet_grid()更好地利用了屏幕空间,而且显示基本上是矩形的。
我正在尝试将文本添加到小平面图中 group = c( rep(c(1,2,1),100) ) group2 = rep(c("A","B","B"),100) r = rnorm(300,50,63) d = data.frame( group = group, r = r , group2 = group2) head(d) custom= function (x){ q = quantile(x) return( c(q[1],q[3],q...