复制 >head(avg_comp_df)surg_grp avg_op_tm Cnt surg_apprch color_hex1A1309.549474Approach1 #a269ff2A2309.549474Approach2 #00CC003A3309.549474Approach3 #FFAA934A4309.549474Approach4 #5DD1FF5B1263.083571Approach1 #a269ff6B2263.083571Approach2 #00CC00>head(surg_df)#used to create12different curves ...
其中有三个相似的属性touches、targetTouches 及changedTouches,它们有什么不同呢?
+ current_test*global_y_max/10, group = current_test, label = sig), vjust = -0.2, size = 3) + # adjust this when needed # facet_wrap(~ MAT + OPERATOR, nrow = 1) + ## Do not do facet here theme_classic() + guides(x = "axis_nested") # added this for nested axis label...
I would expect the code to produce axes as shown in the second example using facet_wrap(), where the x-axis scale is different for each panel, scaled to the data in that panel. MWE: df <- data.frame(x = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), y = c("c", "c", "f", "f...
ggplot(econdatalong, aes(x=Country, y=value))+ geom_bar(stat='identity', fill="forest green")+ facet_wrap(~measure, scales="free_y", ncol=1, labeller= variable_labeller) Powered By This is much better. Each facet now has its own independent y-axis. Using Facets to Create Subdivisi...