3. 方面:在枚举类型中在restriction的子元素中罗列初可选的数值;而在第二种情况时,通过对各方面(facet)进行规定来定义数据类型,比如length规定该数据类型总共有多少位数,而pattern则通过正则表达式来规定出现的方式. 4. 4. 面:每个槽可有若干侧面(facet),对槽作附加说明,如槽的取值范围、求值方法等. 这样,框架...
Clinically, the patient with a typical facet syndrome will complain of a sudden onset of unilateral or bilateral low back pain -- with or without sciatic radiation. The referred pain pattern will differ depending on which facets are the cause of the symptoms. The pain generally increases with m...
Referred pain as a result of facet joint provocation from the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine #医学生Medic[超话]##medicaltalks#
In the lower back, facet syndrome is characterized by: low back pain; pressure soreness at the level of the facet joints involved; leg pain, but not following a radicular pattern of a pinched nerve; pain increase during rotation movements; greater pain during extension with respect to flexion;...
In T2-weighted images, Juxtafacet cysts showed a typical pattern consisting of a hyperintense center and hypointense rim (Fig. 1). Table 1. The results of the patients have been presented. Case NoAgeSexDuration of symptomsRadicular painNeurogenic claudicationLevelSurgery 1 65 M 1 year – + L4...
A POSSIBLE MECHANISM OF REFERRED LOW BACK MUSCLE PAIN FROM LUMBAR FACET JOINTS: SP4.An abstract is unavailable.Wakai, K.Ohtori, S.Yamashita, M.Yamauchi, K.Inoue, G.Orita, S.Inoue, M. G.Eguchi, Y.Aoki, Y.Ishikawa, T.Spine Journal Meeting Abstracts...
the C7–T1 facet joint is innervated by the medial branches of C7 and C8. The facet joints of T1–T2 are innervated by the medial branches of C8 and T1. This pattern continues in the lumbar spine. Of note, the anatomy of the L5–S1 facet joint differs from its lumbar counterparts. ...