facet_grid是ggplot2包中的一个功能,它是 R 语言中用于创建分面图的强大工具。在 Python 中,ggplot是plotnine包的一个接口,它是ggplot2的 Python 版本。然而,plotnine并没有完全实现ggplot2的所有功能,特别是facet_grid这样的高级分面功能。 基础概念
facet_grid(align ~ gender, margins=TRUE) 不去掉无数据的分面(默认drop = T,面板若无数据分布,不显示该面板) facet_wrap(decade ~ gender, drop = FALSE) 其他更多分面技巧,可参考: http://zevross.com/blog/2019/04/02/easy-multi-panel-plots-in-r-using-facet_wrap-and-facet_grid-from-ggplot2/...
nwrap=20){paste(strwrap(string,width=nwrap),collapse="\n")}swr=Vectorize(swr)# Create line breaks in YearCredit$year=swr(Credit$year)# plot with yearggplot(Credit)+geom_bar(aes(x=Age_group,y=Income,fill=Age_group),stat="identity")+labs(title...
facet_wrap(decade ~ gender, drop = FALSE) 其他更多分面技巧,可参考: http://zevross.com/blog/2019/04/02/easy-multi-panel-plots-in-r-using-facet_wrap-and-facet_grid-from-ggplot2/ 作者:Bioinfarmer 若要及时了解动态信息,请关注同名微信公众号:Bioinfarmer。
不去掉无数据的分面(默认drop = T,面板若无数据分布,不显示该面板) facet_wrap(decade ~ gender, drop = FALSE) image.png 其他更多分面技巧,可参考: http://zevross.com/blog/2019/04/02/easy-multi-panel-plots-in-r-using-facet_wrap-and-facet_grid-from-ggplot2/...
Create multi panel plots, also known as facets, in ggplot2 with the facet_wrap and facet_grid functions. Learn how to split the data into panels based on one or two categorical variables
ggplot2 has a two primary techniques for creating small multiple charts: facet_wrap and facet_grid. The primary difference between facet_wrap and facet_grid is in how they lay out the panels of the small multiple chart. Essentially, facet_wrap places the first panel in the upper right hand...
p <- (point_plot + point_plot2) / boxplot_plot p # 微调 # 图例管理 p + plot_layout(guides ="collect") 结果图 02 使用ggforce包创建Subplots ggforce包的facet_matrix函数简易创建Subplots。 library(ggforce) dat %>% ggplot(aes(x = .panel_x, y = .panel_y, fill = sex)) + ...
ggplot(eu_gdp, aes(year, gdp_pc)) + geom_line(color ="steelblue") + facet_geo(~ name, grid ="eu_grid1", scales ="free_y") + scale_x_continuous(labels =function(x) paste0("'", substr(x,3,4))) + ylab("GDP Per Capita in Relation to EU Index (100)") + theme_bw() ...