lumbar spineMRIosteoarthritisJOINT OSTEOARTHRITISTROPISMSPINESPONDYLOLISTHESISARTHROSIStext>Objectives: The influence of age on orientation of the facet joint remains controversial. We aimed to examine facet joint degeneration, orientation and their relationships with disc degeneration in a group of patients in...
Facet joint syndrome occurs when the facet joints become stressed and damaged. This damage can occur from everyday wear and tear, injury to the back or neck or because of degeneration of an intervertebral disc. 当关节突关节过度受力...
Studying the relationship between the structure and function of the paraspinal muscles and spinal degeneration can help determine the leading causes of the development of this multifactorial disease and the manifestation of lumbar pain, and create new treatment approaches. The aim of this study was to...
To evaluate the possible association between facet joint geometry and intervertebral disk degeneration in German Shepherd Dogs.25 German Shepherd Dogs and 11 control dogs of similar body weight and condition.Facet joint angles in the caudal portion of the lumbar region of the vertebral column (L5-S1...
Protecting facet joints post-lumbar discectomy: Barricaid annular closure device reduces risk of facet degenerationProtecting facet joints post-lumbar discectomy: Barricaid annular closure device reduces risk of facet degenerationdoi:10.1016/j.clineuro.2013.01.007Lumbar...
Does lumbar facet arthrosis precede disc degeneration? A post- mortem study. Clin Orthop Relat Res [serial on the online] 2007 [cited 2009 Feb. 13];464:184-9. Available from: Pubmed_Results...
I have severe degeneration of the L5-S1 disc and, as a consequence, have developed degeneration of the lumbar facets. I first noticed the facets were becoming a problem when using a back support that extends the lower back region which increased the pain. One of best solutions I have found...
Background: To assess the correlation between lumbar disc degeneration (LDD), multifidus muscle atrophy (LMA), and facet joints degeneration in patients with L4-L5 lumbar disc herniation (LDH).Methods: Sixty patients with L4-L5 LDH diagnosed by a 1.5 T MRI scanner were enrolled in the study ...
4) sagittal orientation of facet joints 小关节角矢状化 1. Contribution of sagittal orientation of facet joints and disc degeneration to degenerative spondylolisthesis in lumbar spine:A finite element research; 小关节角矢状化、椎间盘退变对退变性腰椎滑移作用的有限元研究5) Pedicle-facet angle 小...
The lumbar region contains five vertebrae, known as L1-L5. The sacral region is comprised of five vertebrae, known as S1-S5. The coccygeal region contains four vertebrae 12, known as Co1-Co4. Turning now to FIGS. 2 and 3, normal human lumbar vertebrae 12 are illustrated. It will ...