GitHub is where people build software. More than 150 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
Github : FaceSwap是一个利用深度学习技术来识别和交换图片和视频中人脸的工具。该项目提供了一种创新的方法,使用户能够进行人脸交换,并在图像和视频中实现身份变换和面部表情转换。 官网: 文档: 视频介绍:https://youtu....
开源地址 0 ReHiFace-S核心亮点 无需数据训练:用户只需一张图片即可开始换脸,无需任何数据训练和复杂的配置。 多目标人脸替换:可应用于直播和视频通话等场景,支持摄像头捕捉并实时替换多个目标人脸。 神经网络预测与重建高分辨率细节:通过深度学习和神经网络模型提升视频分辨率,模型可以...
Faceswap安装程序 运行您刚刚下载的Faceswap安装程序。(Windows智能屏幕可能会抱怨它包含恶意软件。这是一个假阳性,有时会被标记,因为安装程序需要从互联网下载资源)。 选择硬盘上要安装Faceswap的位置,然后按“下一步”。 (...
About What is this repo? It is a community repository for active users. The joshua-wu repo seems not active. Simple bugs like missinghttp://in front of urls have not been solved since days. Why is it named 'deepfakes' if it is not /u/deepfakes?
About What is this repo? It is a community repository for active users. The joshua-wu repo seems not active. Simple bugs like missinghttp://in front of urls have not been solved since days. Why is it named 'deepfakes' if it is not /u/deepfakes?
About What is this repo? It is a community repository for active users. The joshua-wu repo seems not active. Simple bugs like missinghttp://in front of urls have not been solved since days. Because a typosquat would have happened sooner or later as project grows ...
Deepfakes Software For All. Contribute to aboutst/faceswap development by creating an account on GitHub.
Deepfakes一开始是在Reddit社区的流行开来的,一位大神deepfakes发出的换脸视频(将明星的脸换到爱情动作片上面)短时间吸引了大量的人气,但很快就被删了,现在Reddit上面已经找不到页面了。虽然视频被删了,但AI换脸的技术已经在Github上开源,很快就有其他人开始用来制作其他视频。 Reddit社区deepfakes的替换效果,神奇女侠...
SimSwap: An Efficient Framework For High Fidelity Face Swapping paper | github0. AbstractIn contrast to previous approaches that either lack the ability to generalize to arbitrary identity or fail t…