Faces of War is a sequel to the award wining title from last year. Faces of War combines real-time strategy with advanced tactics and the ability to control a single unit in battle. Faces of War immerses players right in the heat of WWII action. The...
The gameplay is where Faces of War does begin to shine out as something different from the rest of the pack. As I'm hungry and still thinking about Christmas, imagine the analogy of Faces Of War as a mince pie where the mince is Commandos, the pastry is Blitzkrieg and the dusting of ...
Step aside,Animal Crossing! It looks like the new Story of Seasons game,Pioneers of Olive Town, is going to let us befriendeggs. It's all we've ever wanted! Granted, we don't know exactly what the Japanese says in this new gameplay video, but do weneedcontext for egg frien...
Some like shooters where you’re in control of soldiers on the battlefield, while others prefer shooting from inside the comfort of a combat vehicle. If you fall into the latter group, you’re going to love War Thunder, which sees you battling it out on land, in the skies, and in the...
IGN speculated that depicting Ellie, an openly gay character, engaging in a romantic relationship with another woman named Dina could be the reason for the exclusion. Gameplay footage released in 2018 showed Ellie passionately kissing another female character, and other leaks point to Ellie’s person...