A collage of fake faces generated by an AI Anatolii Babii / Alamy Artificial intelligence can create such realistic human faces that people can’t distinguish them from real faces – and they actually trust the fake faces more. Fictional, computer-generated human faces are so convincing they...
After a few minutes, Marshall spots the book, its spine held together with duct tape:Great Negroes: Past and Present.Marshall was in fifth grade when he first encountered it. He had a preexisting passion for art—it started with his third-grade teacher, who taught him to paint flowers—bu...
FatFace’s contact centre have turned one contact centre wall into collage of photos of the team, taken from outside the contact centre. This is to stress the importance of having a good work–life balance.7. Map the Customer Journey in Accordance With Brand Values...
With August heading into its final act, (while we begin to slowly inch closer to fall) it’s officially time to go over some of the most heavy-hitting manga releases over the past few weeks, incorporating a little bit of post-apocalyptic fun, or even some light, romantic stargazing. So ...