Faces of Death II: Directed by John Alan Schwartz. With Michael Carr, James Brady, Mickey Crowe, Thomas K. Delahanty. This movie continues in the same vein as F.O.D. 1 with short scenes of death related material. Mortuarys, accidents, police work are fil
Faces of Death IV: Directed by John Alan Schwartz, Susumu Saegusa, Andrew Theopolis. With James B. Schwartz, John Zimmerman, John Alan Schwartz. Follows the same pattern of the other Faces of Death movies. In this one we see many staged and not so staged
Movie"Experience the graphic reality of Death, close-up..." AudienceScore 44 Watch on AMC Plus R1 hr 45 minNov 10th, 1978Horror,Documentary Part of Faces of Death Collection A collection of death scenes, ranging from TV-material to home-made super-8 movies. The common factor is death by...
Faces of Death V: Directed by John Alan Schwartz. With Clyde Barrow, Michael Carr, Bonnie Parker, Ronald Reagan. The fifth entry in the Faces of Death series.
"Faces of Snuff" couples elements of the death documentary/mondo film (with an obvious nod to the notorious "Faces of Death" series) with the faux snuff/found footage genre that has grown into an epidemic over the last couple of decades (epitomised by the "August Underground" series). No...
film that truly lives up to the video nasty name, and one of the very few nasties that I believe should be banned in its uncut form in the UK. We may live in a time now where graphic death footage can be found online by those who really want to see it, but the act of putting...
(1996) 纪录恐怖 CCTV6官网视频平台 下载App 演职人员8 Samuel B... 饰Hims... 导演John Alan Schwartz 全体演职人员名单
剧情:This movie continues in the same vein as F.O.D. 1 with short scenes of death related material. Mortuarys, accidents, police work are filmed by TV crews and home video cameras. Some of the material are most likely fake, some not as likely. Written by Martin Blom...
“faces,” of death that take place in the world, and naturally, such a claim allows the filmmakers hide behind the mask of legitimacy. AlthoughFaces of Deathis far less exploitative and insulting than its successor seriesTraces of DeathandFaces of Gore, its true colors as exploitation bosh ...
Gröss (Michael Carr) as he takes the audience through his collection of deadly footage, the real draw of Faces of Death, as many an edgy suburban kid knows, is that the series is real. (I swear, man! Don't tell my mom, though.) That's right: through decades of changing morality...