FACEIT AC ..一般会弹出“Secure Boot needs to be enabled to launch FACEIT AC”的提示,我怀疑是因为升级了win11的缘故所以这些需要自己重新动手弄,个人猜测,我是
急急急……Facei..Secure Boot needs to be enabled to launch FACEIT AC.需要启用安全启动才能启动FACEIT AC。怎么解决啊
4回复贴,共1页 <返回faceit吧Secure Boot needs to be enabled to launch FACEIT AC 只看楼主收藏回复 freelogo2537 看置顶贴 1 送TA礼物 1楼2021-11-24 17:14回复 freelogo2537 看置顶贴 1 这个问题怎么解决呢?已经打开引导了,还是不行。win11系统,有大佬清楚吗? 2楼2021-11-24 17:15 回复 ...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 打开百度贴吧 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 相关吧 查看更多 thenorthface吧 关注4.8W faceit吧 有个ID叫落尘 FACEIT AC 无法正常启动的解决方案一般会弹出“Secure Boot needs to be enabled to launch FACEIT AC”的提示,我怀疑是因为升级了win11的缘故所以这些需要自己重新动手弄,...
- Gigabyte: set CSM to "Disabled", then you can open the "Secure Boot" menu. After opening it, set "Secure Boot Mode" to "Standard" and "Secure Boot" to "Enabled". - If that all of the above is correct and it still does not work, you might need to use the "Reset/Restore fac...
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Faceit AC安..Secure Boot needs to be enabled to launch FACEIT AC从去年11月份更新了win11系统到现在 还是一直出现这个问题 主板BIOS打开依旧没用 技嘉主板