用python画Facebook的logo图形,源码如下:from turtle import* speed(10)color("#0270d6")Screen().bgcolor("white")penup()goto(0,150)pendown()begin_fill()forward(150)circle(-50,90)forward(300)circle(-50,90)forward(300)circle(-50,90)forward(300)circle(-50,90)forward(150)end_fill()color(...
Black Facebook logo icon with CC 3.0 BY. license that requires to credit the author. 8.Facebok Messenger Icon Here is a Facebook Messenger app icon with the clean flat style. 9.Social media free icon This icon can be used for general social media. It features a hand with a smartphone ...
Design your own facebook logo in just a few clicks and without any help! Using DesignEvo logo maker you can make a professional facebook logo for free instantly.
用python画Facebook的logo图形,源码如下: from turtle import* speed(10) color("#0270d6") Screen().bgcolor("white") penup() goto(0,150) pendown() begin_fill() forward(150) circle(-50,9…
近年品牌似乎掀起了一股换Logo的风潮,包括了Celine、Bottega Veneta、Gucci、Off-White …等等,数量多到无法一一点名,而稍早,另一个我们熟悉的品牌「Facebook」都换上了全新Logo,但这里指的不是App,而是拥有Facebook、What's app、Instagram,由Mark Zuckerberg营运的企业Facebook公司。
Since the launch of the original Facebook logo, the design has seen very few alterations or modifications. For the large part of its life so far, it has featured the company’s name in simple, lowercase letters. The color theme has always been white on blue, and the frame’s shape is...
The 7 Best Jewelry Boxes to Organize All of Your Favorite Accessories 5 hrs ago TKO Schedules First UFC, WWE, PBR ‘Takeover’ in Kansas City 5 hrs ago ‘The White Lotus’ Wardrobe: This Luxury Brand Has Been Featured In Every Season of the Hit Series ...
The official Facebook colors are blue, grey, black and white. We recommend using the Facebook color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, Hex for web and the Pantone colors can be seen below....