因为我是开发mobile的,于是试着用iphone或者android去访问了http://mobile.google.com/plus,整个web ap...
这是我们需要深入探讨的问题。 介绍Google Plus 在大多数人的印象中,Google只是一个搜索引擎。除了Google,还有如Facebook、Twitter、YouTube等社交媒体平台。今天我们要重点介绍的是Google Plus(以下简称“G+”)。 G+不仅是一个社交网站,其社群功能几乎是为国内外贸企业寻找海外OEM客户量身定制的。例如,如果你是做包...
既然Google Plus已经发布,大概Paul不再受保密协议的限制了,所以Facebook委任他负责对Google Plus做详细分析。 Facebook如临大敌,但Google Plus也确实是大敌。与Google的其它产品不同,Google Plus不是那种自下而上的,先出Beta版“试水”的产品。从Google传出来的消息是,Google已经要求所有的产品向着Google Plus重新对齐...
Google Plus VS Facebook。2011年,Google宣布推出与Facebook类似的社交产品Google Plus,基于Google旗下产品庞大的用户体量,以及本身设计优秀的产品,且没有广告的用户体验,成为Facebook最大威胁。 实际上,这次事件是出人意料的,历史上Google拥有令人羡慕的盈利增长引擎,一直对Facebook抱有轻视的态度,然而优质人才持续从Go...
Still, Google is not easily dismissed. Too often, Google Plus vs. Facebook is presented as a zero-sum game, as if the success of one must result in the downfall of the other. But there's no reason that they can't both thrive, competing with each other (and with Twitter, et al) ...
The one area Google+ has Facebook completely beat is in the sharing department. With the help of the “Circles” friend organization tool, posts on Plus can be shared with as few or as many of your contacts as you like, or even the public at large. On Facebook, whoever is a “f...
Google Plus Google在大家的概念里就是一个搜索引擎,而社交媒体更熟悉Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. 我们今天要介绍的是Google Plus(以下简称“G+”),它也是社交网站,G+的社群Community功能,几乎就是为国内外贸企业寻找海外OEM客户量身定制的,比如你是做包装机械的,那么加入一些Packing Machine的群,里面当然就是全球...
For more information on how to further use Google plus, here is aGoogle plus tutorialoutlined for you by Ana Hoffman from Trafficgenerationcafe – just so you know. Share on: Boost Your Business with a Step-by-Step Guide to Local SEO Audits ...
恰好前段时间我读到了Facebook前员工Martinez的书,Chaos Monkey: Obscene and Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley。里面有一章专门讲到了Google Plus发布时Facebook的Lockdown(禁闭)应对,非常有趣。根据这本书的介绍,我再查了些资料,就有了下面这个故事。
Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) yesterday revealed Q2 results of surprising strength. CEO Larry Page is bursting with pride at what’s been achieved, not the least of which is the success so far of Google Plus vs Facebook. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers run the numbers....