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the agency performed tests to see how the site fared under the new Google search. It found that in the old search, WSWS stories popped up very high. A few months later, they were nowhere to be found. “If you entered ‘social inequality,’ we were the number-two story in ...
According to RCom, these services will be available for free to RCom subscribers. You can either log on to or call 1800 300 25353 which is a toll free number, to get activated. Reliance has said that works as a mobile website on feature phones...
Pankaj Chaudhary in the winter session of the Parliament. This data, however, only accounts for incidents reported up to September 2024. Notably, the prevalence of QR code-based frauds has been escalating in India, with the highest number (39,638) totalling Rs 56.34 crore reported in FY 2023...
The key trick was to find a local number for dialing the BB. Local numbers allowed toll free calling. 0 Andrew Wilkins Reply to very old white guy December 20, 2021 3:37 am It’s only (oldish) guys and gals who use Bookface. It’s dying on its bum. Absolutely no o...