Today in History: Monday, February 04, 2013 历史上的今天:2013年2月4日,星期一 On Feb. 4, 1801, John Marshall was sworn in as chief justice of the United States. 1801年2月4日,约翰·马歇尔宣誓就任美国首席大法官。 1783 Britain declared a formal cessation of hostilities in the American Revol...
Today in History: Wednesday, October 24, 2012历史上的今天:2012年10月24日,星期三On Oct. 24, 1962, the U.S. blockade of Cuba during the missile crisis began under a proclamation signed by President
We should inhabit the time in which we live. We should be attuned to the reality of our day, and today’s reality is uncomfortable. Read the rest at the Catholic Review. ~~~ This post is the twelfth in a series called Everyday Bravery: A Write 31 Days Challenge. Every day this ...
I wouldn’t rely on anything you find online as gospel truth. I don’t think anyone really knows how it will work today, in your country, with your specific situation. So what should I do if the old username says not available? Keep checking! On the chance it becomes available, which ...
And if you're in this room today, most of us grew up in a world where we have basic civil rights, and amazingly, we still live in a world where some women don't have them. 今天在座的各位,大多数人成长于一个女性有基...
Today we spend 50x more treating people who are sick than we spend finding cures so people don’t get sick in the first place. That makes no sense. We can fix this. How about modernizing democracy so everyone can vote online, and personalizing education so everyone can learn?
TODAY'S RATING #5 TRAFFIC RANK - AVERAGE PER MONTH Date Range All Time This Year Last Year BEST MONTH October AVERAGE PER DAY Of THE WEEK Date Range All Time This Year Last Year Last Month HIGHEST TRAFFIC ON Saturday TRAFFIC BY CITY ...
I am in charge of how I feel and today I’m choosing happiness. The heart is equal to a mirror, the Mirror shows reflection, & Heart shows affection. Both have one equal quality, can’t be reformed once broken.! His story is History, My Story is Mystery. ...
post today. “Our engineering teams redesigned our systems and built a new way for them to process information. We also conducted months of research to get input from people, privacy advocates, policymakers, advertisers and industry groups. We made important changes in response to...
Quick history of Facebook While Facebook originally started as an internal social network at Harvard University (as "Facemash"), it quickly grew out of its original scope to welcome students from other universities, and then any user from the public. Today, Facebook has over 400 million regis...