Would Jesus Give You a “Thumbs Up?” John 3:30John the Baptist said, “He (Jesus) mustINCREASE, but I mustDECREASE.” John 1:27“I’mNOTevenWORTHYto be hisSLAVEandUNTIEtheSTRAPSof HisSANDAL.” Philippians 3:3“WeRELY on whatCHRIST JESUShas done for us.WE PUTNO CONFIDENCE IN THE F...
here's a picture of obi wan that he thinks he's jesus here's a cartoon of obama and the caption has the inward oh my god grandpa's mentally ill but if i don't like to share it then i'm out of the wheel so thumbs up i guess grandpa's facebook says the kids become my shoote...
here's a picture of obi wan that he thinks he's jesus here's a cartoon of obama and the caption has the inner word oh my god grandpa's mentally ill but if i don't like a sheriff then i'm out of the wheel so thumbs up i guess grandpa's facebook says the kids become my shoo...