如何解除Facebook的封锁 2链接地址:http://t.cn/RUkRFCq我们就直接来说解决方法吧:第一步打开链接http://facebook.com/help/185747581553788/第二步点击 My Account's Disabled 如下图所示: 展开之后再次点击submit an appeal如下图所示: 第三步依次填入以下必要信息:Login email address or mobile phone number...
2. 提起上诉 点击箭头指的Submit an appeal 点击Submit an appeal后,填写资料 1. 你注册时候的邮箱或者手机号 2. 你账户名字 Facebook要求注册信息真实, 别用什么王二狗,李大妞,就写你真名,李雷,韩梅梅。 3. ID文件(身份证) 1)身份证2)护照3)驾照4)军官证 一定要包含你的名字,生日和照片 我注册时候,生日...
展开之后再次点击submit an appeal 如下图所示: 第三步依次填入以下必要信息: Login email address or mobile phone number Your full name Additional info 如下图所示: 第四步:填完资料之后点击提交即可! PS: 你可以不用我上面给的链接进行表格的提交,你可以打开自己的账号,然后直接点击Contact Us 这个入口进行点...
Click on the “Submit an Appeal” button. Fill out the appeal form with accurate information, including your full name, email associated with the account, and a detailed explanation of why you believe your account was disabled by mistake. Attach any relevant documents, such as a government-issu...
If Facebook disabled your account, you'll have to submit an appeal to get your account back. Depending on the circumstances, they may or may not grant your request. If you permanently deleted your account more than 30 days ago, you can't recover it.How...
FB will verify the codes and unlock your account soon. If you find that yourFB account has been disabled, you must wait for at least 96 hrs. Clean all the history, cache, to retrieve the access to your account. Submit an Appeal
5、继续下滑找到CanIunsuspendmyaccount?因为我们是无法通过手机验证所以点击第三个问题的fileanappeal,接着就填写问题。 6、最后点击submit就成功一大半了,这时候只需要等待官方回你的邮件就能成功解冻了。 【猎刀手:liedaoshou.com】提示: 推特注册不需要使用真名。
To submit an appeal, click the notification saying that your ID was rejected, or go to www.facebook.com/id. Find the authorisation with the error, click Submit an Appeal, enter a reason why you think that we've made a mistake and then click Submit. After submitting your appeal, allow ...
–Submit an appeal – when you get trapped into the Facebook jail, you will receive a notification about it with a suggestion to fix it. So, in case you are given a chance to send a request for lifting the ban, do so.–Create a new account- if nothing else works out, you always...
After confirming that your application is in compliance with the requirements and the settings, you can request an appeal through the application. The Facebook login function of your store can only be re-operated after getting passed from Facebook. However,SHOPLINE cannot confirm the time durat...