Facebook shows story video ads in 15-second snippets(called “cards”).If your video exceeds 15, 30, or 45 seconds, the remaining time will be displayed in the subsequent card. This isn’t the end of the world, but it could be a little jarring for the user if the final card in a...
Video dimensions:It should be at least 820 x 312 pixels. For best results, upload a cover video that's 820 x 462px. Note: The Facebook mobile app cuts off the cover video’s sides, making it 640 pixels wide and 360 pixels tall. Duration:Between 20 and 90 seconds Video aspect ratio:...
Use a vertical or square video ad format to fully cover the scren. Facebook recommends using the 4:5 aspect ratio. Concentrate on the first five seconds. That’s all the time you’ve got to convince Facebook users your ad is worth their time. Place your product or brand identity center...
360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p). Once the encodings are made, Facebook’s video encoding system tries to further improve the viewing experience by using more advanced codecs, such as VP9, or more expensive “recipes
The resolution of your video can be standard HD, but just be aware it’s going to get resized and cropped to the dimensions mentioned above. Users can view at full screen, however, and it will not be cropped there. Sponsored:If you don’t want to mess around trying to figure out the...
Your profile picture will appear as your icon every time your page’s content shows up in theFacebook News Feedand when you comment on other posts. Ideally, this will be yourcompany logo. Square dimensions are best, but Facebook will crop the photo into a circle for ads and posts, so ...
Also, Facebook will automatically crop the cover video in different dimensions for different devices For these reasons, place the text, icons, and images at the center of your video. 6. Keep it Unique But Stay True to Your Brand Introduce your brand in a creative way, but don’t go off...
Square Photo on page: 116x116 px minimum on page Rectangular Photo: 470x246 px minimum in feed Rectangular Photo: 484x252 px minimum on page Facebook will also scale photos under the minimum dimensions. For the best results, increase the image resolution at the same scale as the minimum ...
Facebook image post size can vary in aspect ratio: 1.91:1 (horizontal), 1:1 (square), 4:5 (portrait), 2:3 (tall). As well as anywhere between those shapes. Taller will be cropped in the feed, but can be seen when tapped. ...
Ideal Facebook page cover image dimensions:820×360 pixels Display on desktop:820×312 pixels Display on mobile:640×360 pixels Sweet Spot:640×312 pixels Facebook Page Profile Photo Once again, this is complicated. Facebook recommends a square image that will display at 170×170 pixels on des...