Tons of content options to engage and sort content: things like hashtags, discussion groups, channels, spaces Activity feeds to bring people up to date on what they've missed Basically, a community platform is like a Facebook Group on steroids--that you own! That's why if you've outgrown...
A Facebook group is a way to build community and let everyone in on the discussion. Share links to your group when you send emails and make it obvious that joining your group will provide a clear benefit such as exclusive content or first access to discounts. 3. Invite people on Face...
Diasporais a decentralized social media platform, which means it is not controlled by a single entity. It contains numerous pods (independently owned nodes) that interoperate to form the network. Each pod is hosted on a personal web server, and individuals on that pod can interact with other u...
It’s unlikely I’ll be here when the clock turns over to Jan. 1, 2200. But my bet is that the Dawn and Reign of the Social Media Algorithm that we’re living through right now will be regarded as the single most deleterious influence on this era. I like to remind friends anguishin...
China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Thailand, Algeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, Chad, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, São Tomé and Príncipe, Seychelles, Sudan, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, ...
It’s fun, personal, and takes the pressure off of posters to think of something original to post every single day. So create your own theme days for your group. Once a week, structure your updates around a specific theme. Not only do theme days like these encourage participation in your...
1 week later: Cindy Sue is now single. 48 hours later: Cindy Sue is in an Open Relationship. The next morning: Cindy-Sue is now at the police station, filing a restraining order. I think you get the idea, and my apologies to anyone out there who may coincidentally be named Cindy-...
Facebook is a hugely popular forum for discussion in the Solomons with its population of around 650,000 spread out over a sprawling archipelago. The government also uses Facebook to broadcast speeches by the prime minister and to disseminate health information during the ...
The reasons to delete a Facebook Group have been building. Yet, it's more than mechanics. Here's a strategy for your moving your community.
Content Analysis : Facebook GroupsInformation, GeneralSummary, DescriptionComposition, GroupSummary, ActivityItems, PostedBoard, DiscussionPosts, WallDescription, FullBoard, DiscussionPosts, Wall