product_group destination flight hotel vehicle [“product”, “local_service_business”] If a value provided for fb_content_type is not in the above list, the value sent will be product. Product Events You need to turn on sending Purchase Product data through the Facebook Connection Settings ...
5.设置Single Sign(单点登录)为on。 6.选择是否打开自动记录 iOS 应用内购买事件(选填) 7.点击保存Save Changes 4.集成SDK到XCode中1.在项目中新建名称为Frameworks的Group。 2.打开下载的SDK的目录 ~/Documents/FacebookSDK, 并拖拽 Bolts.framework FBSDKCoreKit.Framework, FBSDKLoginKit.Framework, FBSDKShar...
Most communities are made of many sub-communities, and this is another clear area for developing new tools. A school, for example, is not a single community, but many smaller groups among its classes, dorms and student groups. Just as the social fabric of society is made up of many commu...
Share messages, photos, videos, or plan events together. The group chat is not just a way to stay connected; it’s a platform to build stronger relationships with those who share similar interests or goals. Keep the chat active, and don’t hesitate to introduce new topics to keep the con...
(1)Ad group name广告组命名 以定向条件为命名条件,方便管理即可,建议每个广告系列-4/5广告组 (2)Outcome goals成果目标 可以选择APP应用事件转化或安装转化(需技术进行SDK回传或者AF第三方转化事件回传) Maximize the number of application events最大限度地增加应用程序事件的数量,优先选择 ...
Events can be virtual or in person with a physical location. Messenger Messenger is Facebook’s native direct messaging platform. It allows users to hold private one-on-one or group conversations. Messenger can be accessed through Instagram or a separate app that can be added to third-party ...
Carousel ads are ideal for businesses wanting to showcase multiple products in a single space. As the name suggests, they work similarly to your typical web image carousel: A looping sequence of“frames”shown one at a time with users enabled to navigate backward and forwards by clicking on ...
Photo booth-Create a photo booth allowing the audience to take and share fun images in a group or single and pay attention to little details that would make great snaps to post on your event Facebook feeds. 7. Empowers Attendees By Sharing Assets ...
a post of a lady asking for help in November 2020 quickly became very popular, with 400 reactions and 150 comments in a single day. In the post, the author narrated her encounter with a Malagasy student sleeping on the streets of Paris after losing his job. Maintaining the student’s anon...
No. The cost of a Facebook ad depends on your goals. You set your budget based on the objective you want to achieve, such as conversions or impressions, and only pay what you budgeted. The ads are shown to people who are likely to be interested, so you can expect positive outcomes fr...