Learn more about the provided samples, documentation, integrating the SDK into your app, accessing source code, and more athttps://developers.facebook.com/docs/android 👋 The SDK team is eager to learn from you! Fill outthis surveyto tell us what’s most important to you and how we can...
Find the best free apps like Facebook for Android. More than 16 alternatives to choose: Facebook Lite, My Business, Discourse and more
该APP在2014年9月超过了10亿,当时是第一个非Google APP却能达到如此惊人数据的第三方APP。 外媒指出,50亿次绝非小数目,当前几乎只有预装的Google APP比如Play Services、YouTube、Google Maps等才能够达到50亿安装量,Facebook是第一款非Google的第三方APP,打破了Android记录。 报道称Facebook是全球使用人数最多的社交...
Just build with 'implementation com.facebook.android:facebook-applinks:[XX, YY)' on your mainTemplate.gradle Code Samples & Details Here is the repo part of our mainTemplate.gradle project.repositories { maven { url "https://maven.google.com" } maven { url "https://aws.oss.sonatype.org...
code.let { CheckGoogleServiceUtils.onCheckGooglePlayServices(this, it) } } } 6.FaceBook登录的时候需要先检查是否安装Facebook客户端,当然浏览器也可以登录,但是没有App方便,经过和产品商量后直接使用App登录,方便快捷. tv_facebook.setOnClickListener { ...
Get a Facebook access token for using Facebook services. Returns:Promise<string>Returns a Promise that resolves with an access token, or rejects with an error showDialog(options) Show one of various Facebook dialogs. Example of options for a Share dialog: ...
FREE Viber Instant messenger to counter WhatsApp in the East FREE Discord The best chatroom choice for gamers, businesses, online services, and friends FREE Zoom Meetings The Android client of the world's leading video conferencing app FREE Popular...
Facebook for Android is an Android app that allows you to use Facebook social media services on Android phones and other Android devices. Here is the information on Facebook for Android on Google Play Store: Facebook By Facebook Inc. Features on the Facebo...2018-02-28, ∼1301🔥, ...
Buy proxies for Facebook on Proxy-Seller and promote accounts without blocking and restrictions. Proxies for Facebook work in absolutely all programs and promotion services for this social media.