Facebook SDK for Android This library allows you to integrate Facebook into your Android app. Learn more about the provided samples, documentation, integrating the SDK into your app, accessing source code, and more athttps://developers.facebook.com/docs/android ...
Facebook Developer Docs | Facebook APIs, SDKs & Guides 其他备用: Conversions API Conversions API (facebook.com) Set Up App Events Using a Partner Integration Set Up App Events Using a Partner Integration | Meta Business Help Center (facebook.com) 二:FB developer接入流程 Android - App Events...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库:https://github.com/facebook/facebook-android-sdk main 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支33 标签156 Shen GuoAdding back GPS permissions005987a7天前 ...
android:name="com.sina.weibo.sdk.share.WbShareTransActivity"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.sina.weibo.sdk.action.ACTION_SDK_REQ_ACTIVITY" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> </intent-filter> </activity> //QQ精简版 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8....
将Android 版 Facebook SDK添加到您的移动开发环境中 获取正确配置并链接到 Android 应用的Facebook 应用编号。请参阅Android 新手入门,添加 Facebook 应用编号 生成Android 密钥哈希并添加到开发者资料页 添加Facebook Activity:将其纳入AndroidManifest.xml中 ...
android:exported="true"/> 1. 2. 3. 实施分享时,应用不应预填写任何分享内容,否则将违反 Facebook 开放平台政策 内容建模 Facebook SDK 4.0+ 版本提供用于分享内容的新模型。用户想要分享的每种内容类型都有一个可用于表示该内容类型的类。对内容建模后,将分享界面添加到应用。
如何在android中集成facebook和登录,并获得用户详细信息和注销。 代码JSONObject json = Util.parseJson(mFacebook.request("me"));给我的是null。 我从OnComplete()之后的捆绑包中获得访问令牌。 android facebook-login facebook-android-sdk 广告 免费试用DNSPod 邀您试用DNSPod,实现在外也可访问群晖NAS 立即选...
SDK Versionios: 5.12.0 android: 4.34.0 IntegrationOpen a terminal and use the following command to install the SDKBOX Facebook plugin. Make sure you setup the SDKBOX installer correctly.$ sdkbox import facebook Important NoticePlease make sure the following settings in your project to make the ...
Facebook Audience SDKintegration for React Native, available on iOS and Android. Features native, interstitial and banner ads. Table of Contents Prerequisites You must have Facebook developer account in order to start integrating your app with this library. If you don't have one sign uphere. ...