In addition, Post Planner sorts content by stars, which indicates how likely it is to succeed on your channels. That means you don’t have to wonder if your audience is going to engage with your content! Post Planner makes it easy to find content. How to post, schedule, and automate ...
As an example of a ‘like’ being a quick way to share content, my partner liked a post by Andy Murray tonight and it immediately appeared at the top of my News Feed along with the image, as you can see below. Do ‘likes’ tell us anything about users and content resonance? Some ...
The easiest way to use Open Graph metadata on your website is by using theAll in One SEO (AIOSEO)plugin. You can enable open graph markup with a click of a button and then upload your Facebook post image. Images work like a charm when it comes to getting your users to click on so...
Unfortunately the Notes feature was removed several years ago. Maybe because users had learned they could post hidden links by copying from their Note. So, no more anchor text. How to post a hidden link on Facebook However, you can @mention a Facebook Page, Group, Event, or friend and ...
Method 1: Automatically Post to Facebook From WordPress Using Uncanny Automator (New Posts) The best way to automatically post to Facebook is by usingUncanny Automator. It is thebest WordPress automation pluginon the market and lets you create powerful workflows that will save you time, provide...
I like the way the author has mentioned about 'friends redefined', liking a post many times becomes mechanical and I feel this makes it more artificial than a true reflection. When we like something genuinely, then we can like it and also say why we liked it.#...
And if your friends ask you about a suspicious post supposedly coming from you, now you know why.
You may do the same by tapping the three dots at the top right corner of the post and choosingAdd to Favouritesoption. Besides, you may pick which posts you don’t want to view in your News Feed. For that, go to theUnfollowsection. Also, there is an option to reconnect with individu...
"If this post will bring together 200" likes "and 100 "Super ", we'll give a discount (open access to free lesson will present probes, in general, promise something exclusive)”. First of all the notifications you will see how the users "responded" to a post and not just “liked”....
After that, you can pick if you want to display the emojis at the top or bottom of the posts. You can also show emojis multiple times in a post by selecting the ‘Before & After content’ option. Then, configure the alignment for the reactions and click the ‘Next’ button to move ...