Discover the best strategies and techniques for promoting your upcoming event on Facebook. Learn how to build an engaging event page, leverage Facebook ads, and create pre-event buzz to maximize attendance and create a memorable experience.
EventType.Navigation, // optional for custom events. Do not set for page views customFlags: {flag1: 'flagValue1'}, sourceMessageId: 'custom_source_message_id' }); You can also assign a source_message_id to commerce events: // 1. Create the product const product1 = mParticle.e...
Facebook 是一个联系朋友的社交工具。大家可以通过它和朋友、同事、同学以及周围的人保持互动交流,分享无限上传的图片,发布链接和视频,更可以增进对朋友的 ...
Page Post Engagement:提高帖子的参与度 Page Likes:推广主页并获取主页赞。 App Installs:增加应用的安装量。 App Engagement:提高应用的使用率。 Offer Claims:就是创建优惠券。(最常见的就是星巴克咖啡经常提供类似活动) Local Awareness:覆盖业务周边的人群。 Event Responses:增加活动的参与人数。 Video Views:吸引...
9.Adjustyour communication event settings as desired. For example, you can turn off the option to ‘show guest list’ so that no one, including the public or other attendees, can see who’s attending. Once you’re happy, hit the‘Create Event’button at the bottom of the page, and pub...
15. Posts about an upcoming event Post about your upcoming online or offline event. Mention its theme, when and where it will be, and give a link to the registration page. The larger the event is the more in advance you start planning it and the earlier you begin posting about it on ...
二、PageViews的作用 1. 了解用户行为:PageViews事件可以帮助跨境卖家了解用户在网站上的行为,包括他们浏览的页面、停留时间以及转化行为。这些数据对于了解用户兴趣和购买意向非常重要,有助于优化网站内容和广告投放策略。 2. 精准定位受众:通过分析PageViews事件,跨境卖家可以确定最感兴趣和最有潜力的受众群体。根据他们...
Gary Vaynerchuk onhis Facebook pagehas a welcome page designed where he shares his official event schedule. The app used to create the landing page enables Gary's audience to automatically be notified of his upcoming events once they click the sync to calendar button integrated into the Facebook...
2.3 Facebook Page主页创建 你用Facebook个人账号就可以建Facebook Page主页(在Business Manager or Business Suite 商务管理平台里也可以创建后面会说),在桌面版的Facebook个人号页面,点击右上角的< + > 号,然后点击 <Page> 然后可以给Facebook Page主页起名字,写描述啥的,正常写就OK。基础资料填完,点击左下角...
You can now paste the ID into the ‘Facebook Page ID’ field and then click on ‘Add Source.’ On the next screen, choose the template that you want to use for the event calendar. All of Smash Balloon’s templates are fully customizable, so you can fine-tune the design depending on...