7.添加完信用卡付款信息之后,再点击左侧“Ad Accounts”添加广告账户。点击Ads Account界面的 “+ Add”,然后选择 “Create A New Ad Account”。 创建新的广告账户 8.然后填写广告账户名字和选择刚才你保存的付款方式,之后点击“Next”,然后选择“My business”,点击“Create”。 填写注册广告账户表格 9.然后选择...
点击Ads Account界面的“Add”,然后选择“Create A New AdAccount”。 9.然后填写广告账户名字和选择刚才你保存的付款方式,之后点击”Next”,然后选择“Mybusiness”,点击“Create"10然后选择自己的账户名字”My Business然后点击”Create" 11.最后就是需要授权给个人,在左边选中你的个人账号名称。然后点击”Full Acces...
To open a Facebook business account, you must first have a personal Facebook account. If you don’t have a personal Facebook page (or want to separate your work and personal life), create a new personal profile with your business email address. Here’s what else you need to do when ...
除了计划邀请加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、英国、日本、印度和巴西的创作者和品牌加入Instagram创作者市场外,还计划邀请中国出海品牌 (Brand Only) 与中国以外国家的创作者建立联系。 借助该工具,广告主的品牌和经销商代理的品牌都可通过Meta Business Suite去发现Instagram创作者并与其合作。除此以外,还可使用推荐和一系列...
借助该工具,广告主的品牌和经销商代理的品牌都可通过Meta Business Suite去发现Instagram创作者并与其合作。除此以外,还可使用推荐和一系列筛选及搜索功能,包括创作者的人口统计数据、创作者的兴趣和创作者的互动受众。当广告主找到想合作的创作者时,可发送一份项目简介,详细阐述合作机会到他们的合作伙伴优先收件箱。
In your Facebook business account - you’ll be able to monitor your ads reporting statistics that andanalyze your campaign results to learn more about your audience, your product sales, your campaign's reach and much more, such as:
Facebook users are registered today, you know that in China because of network constraints, registered Facebook users are required to use a proxy in order to register. In this process, didn't notice the agent case. The rewardingways account is logged on, by mistake was "a liar". Please ...
Open Your Shop Select Your Business Manager Connect Facebook Page Select Catalog Select Facebook Pixel Confirm Commerce Account Confirm Settings Permissions Account Confirmation You’re all set! You may experience a slightly different set of screens if youdo notalready have a Commerce Account. However...
当我试图创建第三个广告帐户,我得到以下错误。You have exceeded the number of allowed ad accounts for yourBusinessManagerat this time.This action requires that you can MODIFY_AD_ACCOUNTS for thisbusinessaccount.根据Facebook的,我们必须使用用户权限才能避免这个错误。 但是,在业务经理中创建广告 ...
Open the website of theBusiness Manager Click on “Create Account” Input your business name, your name, and your email address You can add employees to your business page and manager and give them certain titles allowing them to access the details of the business account and perform assigned...