Limit past posts– A handy option to limit the posts to your friends only. They will not be available to the public later. Change audience– You can set only me to all posts on Facebook to hide them or even make all of them Public or Friends only. Archive posts– Just likearchiving ...
It is not only exclusive to Facebook pages but to personal Facebook users too. Many users arenot seeingtheir friends or family’s posts like they once used to. (I also posted on this a decade ago, it’s not the first Facebook algorithm change). Use a Facebook page to post for your...
In this post, we will show you how toblock someone from seeing your posts on Facebook without unfriending them. The easiest way to stop someone from seeing your Facebook updates is to unfriend them. But you may not feel comfortable unfriending people unless they are acquaintances. So wha...
On January 12th, Mark Zuckerberg informed about a planned major change to the Facebook algorithm which determines the selection and the order of posts that are displayed in user feed. In short, updates posted by users (friends) will receive a much greater priority, while posts from brands (fa...
Facebook feed adsare the platform's main ad type. Users see these in their Facebook feeds mixed in with posts from their friends, groups, and pages. Facebook feed ads can be single images, panoramic shots and 360-degree photos, animated GIFs, and videos. ...
Try creating an ad and seeing the variety of choices you have for targetting. Take a look at the extremely precise and granular measurement facebook provies you so that your ads have a high CTR and social CTR (ads which show pictures of your friends who have “liked” the...
And if you’re not interested in seeing these kinds of posts from others there’s nothing you can do to turn them off in your news feed, short of unfriending people, that is. If you don’t want Facebook spamming people with who-knows-what-kind of messages sent on your behalf, you...
Facebook, which owns Instagram, found that"not seeing like counts was beneficial for some and annoying to others, particularly because people use like counts to get a sense of what’s trending or popular, so we’re giving you the choice." ...
I am tired of seeing posts from someone I don't really like. If you want to unfollow someone in Facebook on iPhone, you can follow this tutorial: 1. Find a post from this person you don't like in Facebook. 2. Tap on the down arrow icon next to this pers...2017-08-08, ∼...
First, the majority of the content that active adult Facebook users in the US see comes from like-minded friends, Pages and groups, although only small fractions of this content are categorized as news or are explicitly about politics. Second, we find that an experimental intervention reducing ...