Facebook 的母公司 Meta 在 2022 年将该工具更名为 Meta Business Manager(当时造成了一些混乱)。现在,又 Meta 又发布了类似的平台 Meta Business Suite(造成了更多混乱)。但目前而言,Meta Business Manager 仍然是品牌主和营销机构用来管理 Meta 广告和资产的工具。 在本文中,我将解释 Facebook Business Manager ...
1. Log in to your Facebook business Page, and navigate to the shop page The first step is to log in to your Facebook business Page and make sure you have admin access. Here's how to do that: Click Meta Business Suite on the left. On the next screen, select All tools. Then scrol...
Can you change your username in Meta Business Suite? Sorry, that’s a nope as well. Unfortunately, the option is NOT appearing anywhere on mobile. I’ve poked around everywhere. While there IS an option in the Page Settings that saysEdit profile name and username, it turns out that youca...
通过Meta 商务管理平台创建 Facebook 广告帐户 但需注意,必须要先为你的业务帐户创建一个 Facebook 公共主页才能开始使用 Meta Business Suite, 要在Meta Business Suite 创建广告帐户,你还必须拥有业务账户的完全控制权, 前往Meta Business Suite,点击左侧导航菜单栏中的设置, 接着点击帐户板块下的广告帐户, 然后点击...
As soon as you log in to your Meta business suite, you’ll find an “Insights” section on the left menu. Within insights, eight tabs contain extensive and in-depth info on your Facebook performance: 1.Overview: This subsection contains the basic info on your Facebook Page insights. It ...
IT之家1 月 13 日消息,Facebook Creator Studio 是创作者和运营者管理帖子、洞察数据、汇总所有 Facebook Pages 信息的管理平台。最新消息称 Meta 计划关闭该平台,将由 Meta Business Suite 接替。 IT之家了解到,社交媒体分析师马特・纳瓦拉(Matt Navarra)指出,Meta 公司现在向用户提出提醒,Creator Studio “很快...
I've used Facebook Business Manager (and now Meta Business Suite) for the better part of a decade to juggle multiple clients, business Pages, and ad accounts. In this article, I'll explain who it's for, how to set it up, and how to use it (along with Ads Manager) to create your...
We have great news. The days when Facebook required you to download theMeta Business Suite appon your phone to create an event are officially over. While some event settings and options are represented as emojis or are combined in a drop-down list rather than spread out across your page, ...
Step 1: Link your Facebook Page to your Meta Business Suite (formerly Facebook Business Manager) Go to theMeta Business Suite websiteand log in with your personal Facebook account. TheMeta Business Suite is the updated Facebook Business Manager. ...
You can add someone new here by selectingAdd Newand typing in their name. You can also assign Community Managers. Plus there’s the option to confirm the business account access for your page. This is controlled through the Meta Business Suite. ...