Minimum image size: 600 x 600 pixels Recommended image size: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels Recommended image ratio: 1:1 Image file types: JPG or PNG Minimum two cards and max of 10 cards per Carousel Ad Text: 125 characters Headline: 40 characters Link Description: 20 characters Facebook...
Timeline image: 1200 x 630 (The ratio is more important than the size. Keep a 1.9:1 ratio.) It’s no secret that the best Facebook images are highly visual. Try to keep a consistent style among all the images you post, and don’t be afraid to let your personality show.Face...
1]) if min(points[:, 1]) > 0 else 0 ymax = max(points[:, 1]) if max(points...
因此,我们必须避免将计算密集型组件卸载到CPU上。 DL训练每个迭代的计算复杂度通常由O(MB)给出,其中M是模型大小,B是有效batch size。为了避免CPU计算成为瓶颈,只有那些计算复杂度低于O(MB)的计算才应该卸载到CPU上。这意味着计算复杂度为O(MB)的前...
类型:{answer:boolean, minSize:number?, maxSize:number?} SharePayload 代表用户分享的内容。 类型:对象 属性 intent("INVITE"|"REQUEST"|"CHALLENGE"|"SHARE")表示分享的意图。 image字符串要分享的 base64 编码图片。 text字符串要分享的文本消息。
Step 1) Upload an image from your computer (1 MB max size) Step 2) Select all the squares that contain text This tool was designed to make it quick and easy to determine whether your image will pass Facebook's text to image ratio requirements (20% or less text). More details on...
File size: up to 4 GB max Continuous looping available Video can be as long as 120 min., but optimal time is 30-90 seconds 3. Boosted Page Posts Placements supported by Faceebook: Mobile Newsfeed, Desktop Newsfeed, Audience Network, Instagram Whenever you post to your Facebook page, you...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 1. The internet gender gap index computed using (a) ITU ground truth data, and (b) predicted using Facebook data. Looking at the maps, for countries where ITU ground truth data are available our prediction generally closely matches it. A noticeable di...
/instances_train2014.json"## 和coco数据结构一致的话就不需要修改TRAIN:("coco_2014_train","coco_2014_val")TEST:("coco_2014_test",)DATALOADER:SIZE_DIVISIBILITY:32SOLVER:BASE_LR:0.02WEIGHT_DECAY:0.0001STEPS:(60000,80000)MAX_ITER:90000###下面是我新增的##CHECKPOINT_PERIOD:500 训练每迭代500次...