Facebook Marketplace mostly deals in local sales of one-off items, so we don’t have a ton of helpful data on what sells and what doesn’t. But that doesn’t mean we have to guess as to what will sell — we can just look to see what works on other marketplaces like eBay and A...
To use a real-world example, a car dealership located in Victoria’s South East began to list their cars on Marketplace. Within a week they noticed a 41% increase in inquiries about their vehicles. They found that the majority of inquiries were from people within an 8 km radius, and a ...
One of the things business experts tell you when you are considering changes to your sales strategy is the idea that you need to“listen to your marketplace”. That you need to take your idea and run it by the people around you to get some feedback. Instead, blaze a new trail. Think...
Facebook and Amazon Change the Streaming Video Marketplace The entries ofAmazonandFacebookinto the streaming video marketplace stand to change the economics and dynamics of watching video online. While shortcomings and constraints will slow their impact in the near-term, make no mistake about it: ...
if they manage to grab one of the rare Rift retail units, they can contact Oculus and get their preorders canceled without losing any attendant benefits. This means they’ll still get a free copy of space shooterEVE: Valkyrie, and they’ll keep their place in line for Oculus’ Touch mot...