Facebook Marketplace offers a wide range of affordable used-car listings, but be wary of scammers on the platform.
Michigan is historically known for automotive innovation. We're the home of the car, motor city, and more- so you'd think we know how to make the best looking and best running cars in America. One man, however, has designed and is selling what I'm dubbing theLo-Tech Car,which is j...
This Might be the Most Expensive Car You'll Ever See on Facebook Marketplace The McLaren is a beautiful car, and I have to admit that I was skeptical this was a legit posting. So I did aGoogle lens searchwith pictures of the car and they are original to the post. If you’re inter...
These payment scams are hands down the most common scams onFacebook Marketplaceand are generally the easiest to evade. The recurring theme in payment scams is anonymous payment links, paying the seller with gift cards, and mostly overpayment scams if you’re selling something. Image: Shutterstock...
Selling and buying cars online from private sellers can be an amazing opportunity for all parties involved, but there are some rules of etiquette that need to be followed for the system to work. Most of thee rules will be just common sense, but you would
Things to Consider When Selling on Facebook Marketplace Orders must be shipped within 3 days and received within 7 days. After you sell an item on Facebook Marketplace, you have three business days from checkout to ship it using any carrier that has tracking services. For sellers used to ...
Selling cars is also easier, as everyone has a Facebook page, and not everyone wants to deal with setting up a Craigslist post, opening up the confirmation email, and clicking it to make the post go “live.” Facebook is already an integral part of most people’s lives, which is why...
Facebook Marketplace is essentially a ripoff of Craigslist with one very big difference: It's linked to your public Facebook profile. While the anonymity of Craigslist is an appeal for some, being able to see who you are selling to or who you are buying something from is preferred by man...
Selling cars is no easy task, especially when you’re trying to generate demand. The good news is Facebook has created some hyper-niche on-platform products to make it a little easier. If you sell cars or work with a client that does, this is great news. Right now, US-based dealershi...
You Can Buy One Now If you're interested, you canbuy one on Facebook marketplace for $4,800: Check Out This 1980 Comuta Car Haunted Products For Sale On Facebook UFO Sightings Over CNY 2020 https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/3356765234360749...