Facebook登陆都是实名制的,方便您查看卖家/买家的信息,比较可靠,也比较安全。 不仅如此,您可以在搜索栏输入例如”sydneybuy&sell”“melbournebuy&sell”,快速获取有二手物品转让信息的社群,将您需要出售的闲置物品发到社群中,可以更快地寻找新的“主人”。小编在搬家之前,通过facebookmarketplace社群转卖了很多闲置物品...
which in turn, may help to sell the item faster on Marketplace. Like all things promoted on Facebook, the boosted item will appear with a small ‘Sponsored’ annotation, however, their integration into
“Technical Solutions for Controlling Spam,” Shane Hird, Proceedings of AUUG2002, Melbourne, Sep. 4-6, 2002, 17 pages. “Technology Journal—Are You Satisfied? eBay's Battle Against Fraud Rests Primarily on a Simple Concept: Customer Feedback,” Wingfield, Sep. 23, 2002, Asian Wall Stree...