Anybody with a product or service can sell on Marketplace, which opens them up to a colossal audience. This can provide leverage to sellers as they can access a highly defined local audience without spending a cent, similar to the power of local SEO. Even better, Marketplace tailors items ...
“Technical Solutions for Controlling Spam,” Shane Hird, Proceedings of AUUG2002, Melbourne, Sep. 4-6, 2002, 17 pages. “Technology Journal—Are You Satisfied? eBay's Battle Against Fraud Rests Primarily on a Simple Concept: Customer Feedback,” Wingfield, Sep. 23, 2002, Asian Wall Stree...
S. Hird, “Technical Solutions for Controlling Spam in the proceedings of Aug. 2002”, Melbourne, Sep. 4-6, 2002, 14 pages. M. Hearst et al., “Support Vector Machines”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Jul./Aug. 1998, 7 pages. H. Drucker et al., “Support Vector Machines for Spam ...