The world we live in today has fostered our digital connectionsand that isn’t a bad thing. I sometimes hear the complaints of those who wish that things would go back to the days where things were simple and people actually talked and developed “real connection.” Brene’ Brown states in...
Then, we’ll pop your ads right onto their Facebook feeds. This way, you can chat with potential customers and let more people know about your brand. Managed for You We’ll set up your business’s Facebook page and make it look good. We’ll make sure it’s easy for people to ...
nothing is more important than being yourself. As I work with different clients on bringing their professional and business brands online, we often take a look at what others are doing in the marketplace to determine their online
United Family Services(UFS). UFS is in the process of building a new shelter on a 5 acre site in the West Charlotte that will allow them to serve more victims of violence. Each year they are able to serve over 500 women and children at their current shelter. Unfortunately, more than 10...
picked up the habits of everyone else. While waiting to the last minute may not be so bad for them, you are a business owner. Those habits have created an anxious atmosphere in your life and in your business. You are losing sleep, customers, and credibility in the marketplace because of...
Faking it until you make it no longer works in the marketplace. Consumers are cravingauthenticity and real connectionwith the people they do business with. Your ideal client has to believe that you are credible and will deliver exactly what you say that you are able to do. ...
Make sure your website URL is in your social media bio When people find you on social media and like what they see, the next step is to check you out. Make sure you help them to do so by adding your URL in your social media profiles. On Twitter, there is a dedicated field to ad...
knowledge or ability to compete with larger marketing budgets AND be profitable in the marketplace. Developing strategy and consulting with leaders come naturally to me as I love to see people take a step-by-step plan and have extraordinary success. From my love of business and people, the co...
When a man who has voluntarily released his claim to the richest man in the world title by giving billions of dollars to his charitable foundation shares wisdom of the need to be balanced in life and business, I listen. I hope you do too. ...
reflects me and allows me to standout days and even weeks after meeting someone. Just this past week I happened to run into a person from a past business function and he identified me first by my business card which reminded him I was unique in the marketplace and that we should talk ...