Blue Hex color: #4267B2 RGB: 66 103 178 CMYK: 87 64 0 0 Pantone: PMS 2131 C Grey Hex color: #898F9C RGB: 137 143 156 CMYK: 49 38 30 1 Pantone: PMS 423 C Black Hex color: #000000 RGB: 0 0 0 CMYK: 0 0 0 100 Pantone: PMS Black C Facebook logo The brand colors are...
Full color icons Facebook, Blue Facebook, Facebook Logo, Like Icon Facebook Icon Preview Blue Facebook F White Bg Logo Png Images Blue Facebook Logo Transparent Png Clipart Free Download Facebook, Fb, Network, Social, White Icon Png Facebook Dark Blue Logo Icon Blue Facebook Icon...
Simple outline Facebook logo with cute dots. You can download the whole set of social media icons in the same style 14.Creative Facebook Icon A creative Facebook icon with a letter F and a splash of blue color. 15.Clouds Facebook Icon A dreamy with a Facebook icon with clouds. You c...
In essence, the Facebook wordmark went from anegative space logo, to a positive space logo, in 2019. It also received improved spacing, and a punchy update in its color palette, with a light blue logo in sleek and bold lowercase. 2019: Corporate logo (discontinued) Source: Adweek The Fa...
Since the launch of the original Facebook logo, the design has seen very few alterations or modifications. For the large part of its life so far, it has featured the company’s name in simple, lowercase letters. The color theme has always been white on blue, and the frame’s shape is...
Linous White The price for making the logo was worth it! I wanted to create a new logo but I couldn't find any inspiration. I went here and they made the perfect logo for me. I love it, now I can start my business. Monique Lopez ...
The vibrant color was important to make the icon attractive on smartphones. Old logo of Google Google’s logo is one logo that hasn’t changed much despite being in the market for much longer than others. The only major change is that it is 2-dimensional now and it was 3-dimensional ...
This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates....